Installing palera1n (Linux)

This will guide you through the process of downloading the latest version of palera1n, and then using palera1n. If successful you should be able to jailbreak your device afterwards.


If the provided guide does not work for you, then you can instead boot into our custom made palera1n ISO file, however we would recommend just following this guide for simplicity sake. Located here

If you are using a computer with an AMD Ryzen CPU, you will likely run into issues. If you do run into issues, you should use a computer with an Intel CPU.

On A11 devices, you must disable your passcode and will not be able to use your passcode, or other SEP functionality, until you boot into a stock iOS state. SEP functionality includes things such as a passcode, Face ID/Touch ID, and Apple Pay.

Additionally, if your device is an A11 device on iOS 16 and you’ve set a passcode before, you will need to erase all content and settings in order to be able to jailbreak.

Downloading palera1n

Open your terminal (probably one of Terminal, Console, Konsole, Kitty, Alacritty, or WezTerm) and copy & paste the following command. This will download palera1n to your system and let you jailbreak.

sudo /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You can now run palera1n anywhere on your machine, so theres no need to re-run the previous download command when trying to re-jailbreak. Only use that command again if you’re on an outdated version of palera1n and want to update.

Manual method (Alternative) (Advanced)

In case you want to instead download palera1n manually, that’s also an option too!

You can find the links to the raw binaries here. Make sure to tick the “Assets” dropdown to expand and see all of the files.

# Download the binary (will most likely end up in '~')
curl -LO <link to binary>
# This will give it the necessary permissions to be executed
chmod +x /path/to/binary 

If all goes well, the binary should be able to be executed now.

Using palera1n

Please select your preferred environment type, if this is your first time it is recommended you try Rootless before going up the ladder.

To prepare palera1n for installation, you have to restart usbmuxd so palera1n is able to detect your device.

sudo systemctl stop usbmuxd
sudo usbmuxd -f -p

Run this command in the terminal of your choice.

sudo palera1n -l

appleTV and Apple T2 (iBridge) does not support Rootless! Go to the Rootful tab to get started.

Due to the limitations of the rootful environment on iOS/iPadOS 15 and above, there is a case where you're required to have a copied filesystem on your device.

Make sure you have a significant amount of storage available on your device before proceeding.

sudo palera1n -f -cCreates the new APFS volume required for rootful. Will fail if one already exists. This flag is only supported on iOS/iPadOS.
sudo palera1n -f -BSimilar to -c but the size of the created fakefs is smaller at the expense of having unwritable parts in rarely-written paths. When jailbreaking 16 GB devices, this option must be used when setting up fakefs for rootful, as they do not have enough storage for full fakefs. This flag is only supported on iOS/iPadOS.

If you’ve ran these commands you will be presented with your device being booted back into stock, but no worries, you may keep following the guide after you got the fake filesystem ready.

appleTV and Apple T2 (iBridge) are NOT required to have storage available for the jailbreak, this ONLY applies to devices running iOS/iPadOS 15 and higher. If you have one of these devices, please skip the above information and steps.

To prepare palera1n for installation, you have to restart usbmuxd so palera1n is able to detect your device.

sudo systemctl stop usbmuxd
sudo usbmuxd -f -p

Run this command in the terminal of your choice.

sudo palera1n -f

Connect your device and palera1n will attempt to put the device into recovery mode, then follow the instructions that are provided to enter DFU mode.

This step is to ensure there isn’t any corruption issues when attempting to enter DFU mode via force reset/reboot.

If all goes well, your device should enter DFU mode and start jailbreaking with palera1n, this is the most important step in making sure it actually works correctly.

A9(X) and earlier devices have an issue where they will get stuck midway through this process in pongoOS. To work around this issue, you’ll need to do the following:

1. In the terminal window, press CTRL + C
2. Rerun the palera1n command

You’ll need to do this every time you rejailbreak your device.

Terminal Window
Example of palera1n being used in the terminal


You can find troubleshooting steps step-by-step troubleshooting help, this is in case you ever encounter more issues when trying to use palera1n.

Post Install

Post install information can be found here.